Do You Know How Your Septic System Works?

December 20th, 2012

Do You Know How Your Septic System Works?

Many people use the restroom and never think about what happens to their waste. This is normal and most people don’t like to think about their waste. But, having knowledge of how your sewage system works, especially if you have a septic system, will go a long way towards helping you keep up on preventative maintenance and enjoy a long life to your septic system. Almost one-third of all households in this country use septic systems to treat the waste in their homes. These septic systems are usually designed very simply. The drains throughout the house all come together in one pipe that takes the waste to a septic tank that is buried somewhere in your yard. This means all the water from your house, whether it is from your shower, dishwasher, toilet or kitchen sink all combines together and is held in a tank in your yard. The waste doesn’t stay together in the septic tank, however. The waste matter that weighs the most drops down to the bottom of the tank. This waste matter is known as sludge. On top of the sludge is the layer called gray water, which is basically just that. On the top layer, above the gray water, is the scum layer. This layer consists of the proteins, fats and oils that are in the waste. All three of these layers in the tank together are called the septage. If you have problems with your septic system, you should call Plumber Salt Lake City.

The next step in your septic system is the drain field, which may also be known as the leach field. This is where the gray water is disposed of. It is basically a set of pipes that is located under the ground. Your dirt in your yard filters the gray water and the remnants remaining act as a fertilizer for your lawn. Ensuring that this process is running smoothly is the job of the homeowner, but if a problem arises, you will want to call the help of a professional, such as Plumber Salt Lake City because septic system problems can get out of hand quickly and can cost you a pretty penny. This is why it is important to know basic maintenance for your septic system and to understand what you can and can’t put into it and why. If you don’t understand how your septic system works, calling a Plumber in Salt Lake City to help you understand it might be the best thing you can do for the long-term value of your home. The first thing you want to do is to make sure you have a good and healthy microbial ecosystem with your septage to break down your waste like it should and dispose of it properly. Even if you have a good and healthy system in your septage, you must remember that over the time the sludge will continue to increase and must eventually be pumped. You can have your septic system checked every year to check on the proper levels and see if it needs to be pumped. The plumber you call will help you with that determination. Having your system inspected should just be about the sludge and scum levels, however. Your plumber should also check to see that the drainage system is in good working order and that all your pumps are in good working order. There are products on the market made to increase the length of time between pumps of your septic system. These products might work to help your microbial system break down more waste, or they may throw your microbial system into a loop and crash your whole system. Be cautious when adding chemicals to your septic system.

After your system is pumped, you may be asking what happens to the sludge and the scum. This is taken to a waste treatment systems or cesspools normally, with the occasional landfill dump every now and then. So what can you do to make sure your system doesn’t fall to the wayside? First, make sure you are only putting things down your drains that the septic system can handle. This means only septic system approved waste paper and generally no feminine hygiene products. The bacteria and microbial system with your septic tank can’t break these things down and too much will be bad for your septic system. Cat litter cannot be broken down properly by your septic system and should be disposed of by other means. Too much food being put into your septic system will fill it fast, because the food might not break down properly and will increase in size and surface space. A lot of cleaners and chemicals should be avoided because they can kill the microbial life that is in your septic system. If you don’t know what is wrong with your septic system after you put something in it that you shouldn’t have, you should call Plumber Salt Lake City to set you on the right path towards a fully functioning septic system. Grease and things of that nature should not be put down the drain as well. Grease and oils will clog your drains and the gray water that is pumped into your soil will be polluted and contaminated because it can’t hold that much grease or oil in it. This can be expensive to fix and it is just easier to watch what you put down your drain.

Do You Know How Your Septic System Works?